British sweetheart Emma Watson showed off her newly shorn coiff this week in New York City. Watson, best known for her role in blockbuster movie franchise Harry Potter, wanted a fresh start after finishing the latest installment of the movie saga. New York stylist Rodney Cutler gave the actress her new pixie cut.
“The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out,” The 20-year-old actress told Entertainment Weekly. “It felt amazing. I love it.”
Watson says chopping off her hair was the “most liberating thing” she’s done and we agree. The tomboy cut defines the actress’s face and is definitely a step in the right direction to shedding the Hermione Granger image.
“I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through,” she shared. “I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right.’