Two Weeks with My Nieces // H&M Neutrals and My New Tabitha Simmons Millie Slingbacks

I am so sorry for being absent for over a week on my social channels. I needed to take a break to focus on family so blogging and styling outfits took a back seat. This Monday marked the one year anniversary of day we buried my dad and my emotions were very raw. We rented a car and went home to Virginia to be with my mom and little brothers, who I haven’t seen since November due to the Covid-19 crisis.
It was a well needed trip because I got to finally hug my mom and spend quality time with my family without the barrier of FaceTime. We just spent time in the backyard cooking, eating and chatting until the wee hours of the night. We drove back in Sunday with my two nieces, Kaira and Adjoa, who are seven and three years of age respectively.
I promised them a summer in New York last year so I had to make due on that vow. Needless to say, I am a temporary mommy to two angels who are so darn cute but can be menaces when they choose to be. With Coronavirus impeding on our plans for museum trips and cultural tours, I decided to bring the fun indoors and to the backyard. I ordered some Melissa and Doug products, including an easel and paint supplies, as well as crafting kids and puzzles to keep them entertained.
I am learning to adjust my schedule in order to accommodate their needs and be able to work on my client projects at the same time. I shifted my sleep schedule so that I wake up two hours before them, make them their cream of wheat while I work on my morning projects. I can’t get them to take a nap to save my life and sleep time is a struggle because they are so excited to be staying with their aunt.
On a brighter note, they allowed me to snap these pics of my outfit at the playground before they had their fun. How considerate right? I would love any advice from parents of kids 7 and under on fun activities and how to keep a schedule for kids during quarantine. I also welcome simple recipes for kids that don’t eat bread or eggs but love broccoli and green beans and would prefer to have all their foods separated on their dinner plates.

I’m also having a big moment with neutrals, even though it’s not very practical with kids. I got a strawberry Popsicle splattered on this skirt by the end of the evening. Also note, I wore the heels for styling purposes only and swapped it out for flats when we were playing. These heels are by Tabitha Simmons. They’re the Millie style which is favored by Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex.

Outfit Details: Top, Skirt and Belt by H&M / Shoes by Tabitha Simmons / Bag by Poolside / Hat by Eric Javits / Sunglasses by Karen Walker / Earrings by The Pink Reef