Snow Day in New York

Did you enjoy the snow day yesterday? The East Coast was bombarded with a last minute snow storm yesterday that blanketed New York City.  People on social media were shocked about a snowfall on the second day of spring.  I was not in the least bit surprised.  Living in Washington, DC and New York for more than 20 years now, I have come to expect winter to give us the middle finger one last time on the day we expect birds chirping and flowers blooming.

The silver lining of the snowstorm was getting to spend time with T, who decided to work from home to avoid subway delays and closures.  We spent the day watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s, an oldie but goodie, and Justice League, which was kind of a dud.  We ventured outside a few times to break the cabin fever by playing in the snow.  I also got a chance to take my G.H. Bass ‘Juno’ snow boots for a final spin.  They are currently on sale.  I normally snag winter wear at the beginning of spring when stores put items on sale.  I accessorized my winter ready outfit with these $10 sunglasses from Amazon, a pom pom knit hat and my Louis Vuitton scarf.  As romantic as a snowstorm is, I can’t wait for spring.

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