Sunday Funday with Bud Light Lime


It’s not yet officially summer, but the warm weather allows for lazy days spent with friends both indoors and out. One of the perks of having fantastic roommates is being able to have impromptu dinners and watch parties. My roomie Ali and her beau Ben were on hand a few days ago for snacks and junk TV.


We cracked open a few bottles of Bud Light Lime – 116 calories anyone? – and threw together some healthy snacks for our lazy Sunday lounge session. I know snacking usually means noshing on caloric junk food, but if you’re looking to trim the fat, there are some amazing options out there that will wow your guests.


For starters, tortilla chips are always a hit, not matter the crowd, so stock up on a few flavors. I kept the dip simple with ready-made salsa I got from Key Foods. I also added baked veggie chips, which have a lot less calories than the tortillas chips.


My roommate Ali is a vegetarian so I opted for a healthy tomato and mozzarella appetizer, which was supper easy to make. Just slice some tomatoes, top with fresh mozzarella and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette if you want to be extra fancy. I know a lot of times my hostesses stress over table setting and décor but when you’re throwing an impromptu get together, keep it simple.

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An assortment of carnations arranged beautifully in a decorative vase is all you need to keep your shindig unfussy. The best tip I can offer is to make sure your Bud Light Lime is super cold. I kept most of them in the fridge and brought out enough for us to drink. I also love having a fashionable coozie to keep my drinks extra cold.





Bud Light Lime is the perfect beer for summertime refreshment – and it now comes in a cool and unique new bottle.


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Anheuser Busch via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Anheuser Busch.

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