Gifts Your Boyfriend Will Actually Love on Valentine’s Day

The traditional Valentine’s Day ideas are well known to cute couples and sexy singles alike, heart shaped box of chocolates, fresh flowers, romantic dinner at that place you’ve been meaning to try followed by mind blowing sexy time and potentially edible panties.

I fully condone those time tested means of maintaining a healthy relationship but just for fun, here are a few ideas from the path less taken, man style!

1.  Don’t do dinner out.  


Valentines day at restaurants can be pretty basic, every single table consists of the same “couple looking people” eating a pre-made, pre fixe, pre ordained tasting menu.  It’s always a strange sensation to be sitting in a dining room and have the knowledge that each and every table is doing the exact same thing that you are doing.

Instead, buy a really nice bottle of wine (or 2), Google a great recipe and have a candle lit dinner for two followed by a mean cuddle session.  He will appreciate your confidence in the relationship and that you don’t concede to hallmark holidays.  You can have date night next week.

2.  Plan a weekend getaway for the future.  
We men can be pretty particular about our style so gifts often miss the mark, imagine if we tried to buy you a pair of shoes?!?  Believe me I’ve tried.

Instead plan a nice trip for the two of you.  You know you’re the planner in this relationship anyway and you can surprise him with a sweet mini vacay!  There are some great winter deals on future travel so plan a quick trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans or a spring time visit to New York City.  You can find good flight deals and stay in an AirBnB or even save money and make it a totally awesome road trip!  Just slip the tickets or the itinerary inside a nice love note, it will be a little adventure that you can look forward to and enjoy together as a couple for months to come!

3.  More manly accessories and less grooming kits.

As women you love being pampered; getting massages, taking bubble baths, applying copious amounts of lotion to your entire body, but as men we aren’t that into it.  Of course we will tell you how sweet you are for that gift certificate for a mani and pedi at the grooming lounge or the 12 piece shaving set, but will probably not give it much use.

What we would love are the little things that make a man shine, but that we would never actually think of buying for ourselves.  Some suggestions are a nice pair of leather gloves, and weekend duffel bag, a stylish man ring, a vintage shoulder bag, a pair of timeless sunglasses, a classic wristwatch, a fancy fountain pen or a monogrammed flask full of whiskey.  We want to shower you with romantic gestures, but our needs are more masculine.

4.  Throw a house party!
It may be late in the day for this but I think I sounds pretty awesome!  Seeing that cupid’s favorite holiday falls on a Saturday this year, it would be cool to make some finger foods, pick a couple cocktails, throw on a playlist and invite all your couple friends, or even invite the singles too and play match maker.

I think of myself as a hopeless romantic but I believe a key piece of romance is spontaneity.  I believe men and women alike become weary of the forced romance and high expectations of a single day to show love to your lover.  Throw a party, get everyone together, maybe play some games like pin the tail on the donkey, never have I ever, spin the bottle or truth or dare, depending on the level of singles/couples/friends.  Now that is spontaneous.

5.  Make a sex tape
Hey, it could be fun!  🙂

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