Medifast Week 1

My twenties were some of the most fun and adventurous times in my life. I attended incredible parties with the most high profile celebrities, socialites and editors and drank my face silly. As a fashion blogger, I was treated to lavish parties, the finest restaurants and some of the most amazing business trips. In the past six years, I’ve gained more than 50 pounds.


I know what you’re thinking. How can you be in fashion and fat? These are two words that can never be in the same sentence and be politically correct. The problem is that I stayed out of the gym. Why? Because aside from working during the day, I had to attend those lavish parties and previews at night. Between running around New York City day and night, I still had to carve out time to write blog posts.

My habits became destructive. I would guzzle down at least three cups of coffee in lieu of breakfast, ditch the water all day long, stuff my face with something I ordered from Seamless or GrubHub before heading to my event (this would be my meal of the day) and then drink my face off at events. After all, it was open bar with martinis, champagne, fruity drinks that would make Toucan Sam taste the rainbow and canapes or heavy hors d’oeuvres.

I went from a comfortable size 8 (kind of fat in fashion terms anyhow) to a not so comfortable juggler of sizes 10 to 14. What’s even more disturbing was the fact that it didn’t bother me in the least bit that I was getting fatter. I had the same group of friends (none of whom would tell me the truth), still dated (still not in the mood for a real boyfriend) and still fit into most of my clothes.

Disclaimer: I never wear pants and all my dresses are fit and flare so even though my hips grew, my skirts were able to still hide them.

It wasn’t until few months ago that I truly saw what I had become, a fatty. I saw a photo of myself from an event and couldn’t believe how fat my arms had gotten. I could see my round face starting to grow a double chin. That was my breaking point. I started feeling depressed and withdrawn. Skipping the photo-ops and lavish parties.

Now that I am 30, it’s time for a new lease on life. I want to be a loser. Yes! A loser! A loser of pounds, 50 pounds to be exact.

I want to fit into tiny little clothes and look good doing so. I have enlisted the help of Medifast, one of the most successful weight loss programs out there with more than 20 years of backed research, to help kick start my lifestyle. **

Over the next few months, I am going to transform my body and in the process, help other fashionistas out there shed those pounds as well.

I just wrapped week one and I feel incredible.  I will outline the Medifast plan in Week 2.



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