Beard Implants on the Rise

beard implantsBeard implants according to experts are on the rise. Yes you heard correctly beard implants. Some men suffer from male pattern baldness causing them to undergo hair loss treatment. But there are many men who have full heads of hair, but lack the ability to grow facial hair. The result? Big business for Dr. Bessam Farjo, the world’s first facial hair transplant pioneer.

Dr. Farjo founded the Farjo Hair Institute and over the past five years has helped boost facial follicies in men. Like bags, shoes and watches, a beard has become an accessory trend that has men flocking. “A full beard is very much a statement look and it goes in and our of fashion. For the last 12 to 18 months, there has been a noticeable rise in the number of men coming to my practice wanting to fill in bald patches or thicken wisps of hair,” says Dr. Farjo.

Even with men wanting to fill in their beards or grow them, they aren’t just settling for any kind of beard. As always celebrities are trend setters even in this department. Men seeking beard implants want to look like Brad Pitt if they are in their 40s. They want beard implants to look like David Beckham in they are in their 20s. For those of a much younger age of 50, they want to look like Jeremy Paxman.

This may very well be a UK thing, but based on the statistics I’m sure this innovation in the U.S. is quickly approaching if not already here. The DailyMail reports over 4,500 procedures were carried out last year, 13% more than the previous year. This doesn’t appear to be a difficult procedure to undergo. Beard implants follow the same procedure as traditional hair transplants. Donor hair is harvested from the back of the head via follicular unit extraction.

I’m not sure if this would be something I would undergo as I simply hate facial hair. The scratching, irritation to my skin and the amount of time it takes to grow isn’t my cup of tea. But it appears that many men are opting for beard implants. I can’t say this is too surprising being that there is also a rise in men having butt implant procedures.  Men would you opt for beard implants?

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