Street Style at Milan Fashion Week

Street StyleStreet Style, what is it? It’s as simple as the name declares it. It’s raw, edgy, tailored, elegant, sophisticated, often times questionable fashion statements seen on the streets of cities around the world.

It’s where creativity runs rampant and not as uniformed or storyboard as a runway collection. It’s where fashion enthusiasts showcase their personalities and why they covet fashion so dearly.  Street Style is an exploration of the mind that transforms itself into items worn and collected from around the world. Trends are spotted, new ideas generated and color pairing identified is what Street Style is. Items from designer collections are re-purposed and created into new items that match personal style.

Street Style is what causes a person to stand out and this time we have taken notice of the men at Milan Fashion Week. The daring and the bold who are fearless of judgement and boastful of their own personal style. Milan Fashion Week showcased several age groups, occupations, income brackets and personalities based on clothing alone. Some of the images captured during the on-going fashion week shows just how funny and scary some of the people seen on the streets can be.

We all have our personal style and I for one enjoy being a fashion watcher and seeing what creativity comes from the minds of man.  Street Style gives the casual observer a raw understanding of the latest trends and how much fun fashion can truly be.

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