Dave Franco Featured In July Issue Of Glamour

Remember that hot upperclassman in high school and you were totally bummed that he graduated. But then…his younger brother got to high school and all beauty was restored! That’s kind of what it is with the Franco brothers. James Franco hasn’t left Hollywood, but his younger brother, Dave, is making his own path and starring in this summer’s flick Now You See Me.

The 28-year old is featured in the July issue of Glamour in a retro style spread. Pick up your issue as he discusses dating and…his cat.


GLAMOUR: Your character in Now You See Me is a sleight-of-hand expert. So, in your experience, is magic actually effective as a romantic pickup strategy?


Dave Franco: I want to say no, but I don’t want to undermine any magicians. For me, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve adopted the [dating] technique of “Here I am.” If you don’t like it at first, let’s not waste our time. I feel pretty comfortable with who I am, as strange as I may be sometimes.


GLAMOUR: Your videos—say, “Go F*ck Yourself With Dave Franco”—are pretty wild. Have you found any new female fans?


DF: I don’t think my Funny or Die videos have turned any women on to me, considering most have homoerotic undertones! Some people would call the videos twisted, which they are, but I don’t walk around trying to offend people.


GLAMOUR: We’ve heard you have your brother’s cats.


DF: They’re Harry and Arturo—each 17 pounds. I bonded with them while


James was traveling. And then I told him, “You’re not taking these cats away from me.” I’m the weird cat guy.”

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