Tiny Prints Partners with The Creative Coaltion on Graduation Initiative

creative coalition

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that teachers make a big impact in a child’s life.  Through out my K-12 and college years, there have been teachers that have had a big influence in my thinking, creativity and overall development.  For me the highlight of my educational years was graduation, the most important being high school and college.

To kick off graduation season and its new graduation stationary, Tiny Prints has partnered with the Creative Coalition to support education programs.  Tiny Prints will be giving 50 inner-city student the chance to participate in a Summer Writing Institute College Preparation program, which will be distributed through The Armory Foundation, a member organization of The Creative Coalition.

The Creative Coalition members Lauren Holly, Beau Bridges and Phillip Bloch are showing support for the Tiny Prints graduation initiative by providing personal stories on their favorite and influential teachers that have made big impacts on their lives.  You can read their stories at tinyprints.com/creativecoalition.  There you will also be able to view the exclusive graduation stationary and the Creative Coalition’s favorite designs from the Tiny Prints Graduation collection.



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