Oscar de la Renta Goes Paperless


PromoComp_Suite_Embroidery_Pink_gold-640x393Let’s face it, we love (need!) the internet. We use it keep up to date with friends, for work and to play candy crush on our smart phones. But do you remember how nice it was to get a hand written letter sealed with a kiss in the mail? Neither do I. Hand writing letters these days is kind of a lost art. But you might want to get back into it.

Oscar de la Renta teams up with Paperless Posts and brings his art on the runway to the…stationary world. Catch someone’s attention with your a thank you note or brunch invitation with one of these stylish cards. Think of how happy you’ll make someone when they receive it. You’re just going to have to shell out the $0.46 for a stamp. If you don’t want to feel so old school, you can still send these beauties via the interweb. E-cards start at $.25 and paper cards range from $1 to $1.58.

Happy sendings!

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