Kate Upton Is Pissed Victoria’s Secret Used Her Photo From 2011 On New Catalog


Yesterday, we got a peek at Kate Upton on the back cover of the summer Victoria’s Secret catalog.  Many were perplexed why she posed for the lingerie brand after getting insulted by the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show model booker Sophia Neophitou.  Sophia said of Kate, “We would never use her. She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy.”

But with Kate Upton’s star on the rise, what with her Vogue covers, multiple Sports Illustrated covers, Vogue editorials and more, it’s only natural to get the most sought after model of the moment on the VS summer issue.  Well Kate Upton isn’t forgetting the scathing remarks made by Sophia.  According the The New York Post, Kate is very upset because the photo used was from a shoot she did with the brand in 2011 and Victoria’s Secret did not ask for her consent before using the image.

Well Kate, you know what they say, “back then they didn’t want me, now I’m hot they all on me.”

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