Adlens’ John Lennon Eyewear Collection

Beatles band member John Lennon was a part of an iconic musical group whose music influenced their generation and carried over to this generation and surely more to come. He wasn’t just influential in music, but also in fashion. His round glasses were distinctive and when you see a pair of small framed, round glasses you instantly think of the legend. Innovative eyewear line, Adlens, has launched their John Lennon collection paying homage to the Beatles star.

This unique eyewear collection offers a revolutionary new technology that allows you to create your own prescription in less than 1 minute with a turn of a dial. Get a feel for what these specs offer with their quick video.

The eyewear line offers their products in a variety of colors for either glasses or sunglasses. You can get a pair on their website between $123-$163. And with each pair purchased, Adlens will donate a pair of glasses to the Vision for a Nation program in Rwanda.

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