3.1 Phillip Lim and Target Collaboration

I don’t know anyone that hates Target. How could you? That’s right. You can’t. And there’s something to looking forward to at Target this September. Like waiting online all night for the doors of comic con to open kind of thing, but without looking uberlame. Renowned fashion designer, Phillip Lim, has announced that he is creating a line for Target!

Set to be released this September, the 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target collection includes 100 pieces for both men and women including clothing, bags, shoes and travel accessories. And with price ranges of $19.99-$299.99 of apparel and $19.99-$59.99 on accessories makes it easy for us mere plebeians (I think I’m just referring to myself) to access this cool and chic collection.

Check out these flats and video for what’s to come this September.

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