Salvatore Ferragamo Is Honored With “The Amazing Shoemaker – Fairy Tales and Legends About Shoes and Shoemakers” Exhibit

Shoes, shoes, shoes!  You can never have too many and us ladies can’t get enough of them. Each pair of shoes is a work of art and is created by a fabulous mind. Last night in Florence, Italy, Museo Ferragamo and curators Stefania Ricci, Sergio Risaliti and Luca Scarlini  launched The Amazing Shoemaker – Fairy Tales and Legends About Shoes and Shoe Makers exhibition. The exhibition honors shoemaker Salvatore Ferragamo’s work of creating beautiful shoes that allured women for many years. Guests entered the mind of the shoemaker through animations and short films at the event. The exhibition will be open from April 19, 2013 through March 31, 2014.

For those of you that can’t make it to Italy (like most of us) to view the exhibit, here are a few photos of this magical inspiring story.

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