Tom Ford Hopes Gisele is Emotionally Prepared to Be Ugly When She Ages

Uh-oh! Tom Ford, is getting in the game of designers giving their two cents about things that are none of their business.  Taking a note from Karl Lagerfeld’s play book, the luxury designer told Vman that it’s emotionally hard for beautiful women to wake up one day and realize they are old and no longer beautiful.  And he single one person in particular out to give advice to.  That would be supermodel extraordinaire Gisele Bundchen.  Tom says,

“This sounds negative, but when you’re considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, it’s very, very hard when that starts to slip away. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when people react to you differently. And, Gisele, I hope you’re not reading this, because it’s going to sound so negative but I know through some of my best friends who are really famous actresses—I’m not going to mention their names—who were at one point considered to be among the most beautiful women in the world at different periods of time, and how hard it is for them emotionally. So I hope Gisele is prepared for that, because it’s so difficult.”

Hmm…we know Gisele will definitely be reading this article because her man, Tom Brady, is on the cover.  Can you say AWKWARD?

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