Lady Gaga’s Love of Fur Is Pissing PETA Off

Lady Gaga’s words on Ellen came back to bite her in the ass this week when PETA vice-president Dan Mathews sent a letter to her denouncing her choice to wear fur.  The pop singer was spotted in New York City wearing a lavish pink fur coat for a shopping trip to Giorgio Armani last week.  Mathews’ letter called out Gaga for being a hypocrite and going back against her promise not to wear fur.

In all fairness, her exact words on Elle were, “I hate fur, and I don’t wear fur.” That’s completely different from her ‘promising’ not to wear it.  He even drop the ‘G’ word, saying she was disappointing her gay fans by wearing “fox and rabbit and with a wolf carcass.” He also takes the opportunity to slam Kim Kardashian, perhaps hoping a comparison to the reality star will somehow get to Gaga.

Mathews’ letter to Lady Gaga read:

“Many of your gay fans, I among them, have long admired what you told Ellen: ‘I hate fur, and I don’t wear fur.’ I included a link because these recent photos of you in fox and rabbit and with a wolf carcass make it appear that you have amnesia. What happened? Are your stylists telling you that it’s fake, or are you a turncoat?

Many gays are animal advocates because we recognize that the same arrogance and indifference that some have toward animal suffering has at times been directed toward us personally because of our orientation. By wearing those dumb furs in a heat wave, you’re making yourself a target just like the mindless Kim Kardashian.

As we plan our fall campaigns, please tell us whether what you gracefully told Ellen was heartfelt or just a pose.”

Clearly Gaga was not receptive to the PETA letter because she was spotted in Sofia, Bulgaria wearing a grey Hermes fur coat. Side note: we love those Grey Ant wayfarer shades.  Never one to shy away from controversy, she addressed her critics and PETA head on with a tweet saying:
“For those press and such who are writing about whether or not my fur is actually real, please don’t forget to credit the designer HERMES. Thank You! LOVE, gaga.’

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