Christian Louboutin Debuts Cinderella Glass Slipper

If Cinderella were to go to the magical ball this evening, she would wear a pair of red-soled 120-millimeter heels made by her fairy Godfather, Christian Louboutin in Paris.  In honor of Walt Disney’s release of the Cinderella Diamond Edition on Blu-ray this fall, Louboutin was asked to design a modern day glass slipper.  But where is the glass you ask? Well Monseiur Louboutin ditched the glass – image the blisters you’d get at the end of the night – and instead opted fora delicate lace peep-toe platform pump embelished with Swarovski crystals and butterflies.

“Cinderella is not only an iconic character when it comes to beauty, grace and fairytale love, but also shoes,” Louboutin stated. “Her character and her story dictated the design to me, it was all there in the pages and the words of this tale.”

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