Armani Launches #ArmaniTweetTalks

If you picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal magazine this weekend, you would have noticed a youthful Giorgio Armani on the cover.  The 77 year-old legendary Italian designer also displays his tanned and toned physique inside the magazine.  The article talks in-depth about Mr. Armani’s secret formula to success, the I Federali (his faithful and trusted inner circle and potential successors), ruling with an iron fist over his empire and having direct input on all his brands. The article is very interesting and a must read for any emerging entrepreneur or designer.

In other Armani news, WWD reports that the brand will be launching a new social media initiative called Armani Tweet Talks, which will be a twitter discussion on China emerging as a one of the most influential fashion markets. Twitter followers can tweet questions to  ‘leading figures from the fashion industry, including Vogue China’s editor in chief Angelica Cheung, Yoox’s founder and chief executive officer Federico Marchetti and blogger Susanna Lau, among others with the hashtag #ArmaniTweetTalks.  This social media initiative leads up to Armani’s “One Night Only in Beijing” a discussion with influential leaders in fashion on Friday.

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