Kirsten Dunst Dishes About Getting Older, Naked and Nerdy Guys in Lucky Magazine

Kirsten Dunst illuminates Lucky’s January cover and opens up to the magazine about nerdy guys, turning 30 and getting naked in Melancholia. The January issue of Lucky is on newsstands December 6th.

Highlights from the interview:

On the item she can’t resist: “It’s Rebecca Taylor: I’m a sucker for a cute dress and I knew I’d be wearing it. I’m the kind of person who buys a new thing, wears it so much and then is totally sick of it. I’ve already worn it two days in a row.”

On the challenges of having big breasts: “It’s harder to dress if you have boobs,” says Dunst. “I usually cover them. When you have a beanpole body everything looks cute. Like Alexa Chung. I like her style but she’s really tall and skinny so everything looks good on her.”

On being recognized in public: “If you walk in the room and you’re like, ‘Ta da! I’m here!’ and you’re all done up, then yes you’re going to get noticed,” she says. “But if you
Re normal, then you get recognized a lot less.”

On why she hates red carpet photos: “I hate red-carpet photographs!” says Dunst. “It’s such flat lighting! They take away my cheekbones—I just become a moonface. I hate those photos so much. I always look terrible. And they don’t know angles on faces. There is no artistry to it. I hate them.”

On her least favorite body part: “I don’t love it {her nose}. It’s round. I like strong noses on women.”

On her must-have beauty product: “I wear foundation every day; I look dis-gust-ing without it.”

On her slim-down secret: “You lose like five pounds immediately, and you face is glowing and gorgeous!” Kirsten says. “I look amaziiiiiing! I did it for my last movie. Then Isla saw me and was like, ‘I’m gonna get spray-tanned too!’ I only did it twice so I’m tan in like two scenes and super-pale in the rest of the film.”

On her favorite body part: “I like my legs,” says Dunst. “I like wearing short dresses and high heels. And I think I have good hair.”

On changing her appearance for a boyfriend: “The last time I cut my hair short, my boyfriend at the time was like, ‘You look so much better with short hair.’ So I cut it off.” Dunst quickly replied, “I know, I know, so stupid! My girlfriend thinks he just didn’t want any guys to look at me.”

On how changing her hair color attracted a different type of guy: “I attract a difference kind of boy when my hair’s red,” she says. “I get more quality men—like a more thoughtful, nerdy dude.”

On turning 30: “I thought when I reached 30 I’d have a lot more figured out,” she says. “Until you have a kind, you’re just looking for your partner. And guys have a Peter Pan vibe. They’re 35 and they act like they’re 25. That’s what scares me about being in my 30s: not finding someone to have kids with.”

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