Get the Look: Taylor Swift’s Faux Curly Bob

To get Taylor Swifts sexy faux bob (great for holiday hair!), start with clean dry hair.

Using a small curling iron (3/4″ barrel), set hair by spraying each 2 x 2″ section with InCharge Hairspray then wrapping in a spiral pattern around your iron until all sections are complete.

One the final sections closest to your part, start your spiral 2-3″ away from the part line for a flatter root.

Give a once over spray of your set and run fingers through curls to break them up once the spray dries completely.

Roll the back section under and fasten with large bobby pins in an X pattern for extra holding power.

Pull the sides up a piece at a time until you get the desires look and shape. Pin the side sections using your X pattern but with smaller bobby pins.

Courtesy of Celebrity Hair Stylist Natasha Sunshine of Byu-Ti Salon/LA (510 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica CA (310)587-2207)

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