Prince Harry Taking a Trek to the North Pole for Charity

His big brother William might be getting all the spotlight due to his upcoming nuptials to Kate Middleton but His Royal Highness Prince Harry is not going to be cast aside.  The young Prince has marched to the beat of his own drum growing up in the spotlight, with a brave service to his country by joining the military as well as a slew of lascivious tabloid gaffes.  Harry is growing up and in the spotlight for a good cause.  He graces the cover of British GQ with an editorial announcing his new charity endeavor.
Prince Harry will join the Walking With The Wounded team, an organization whose mission is to raise money for injured British soldiers, on a journey to the North Pole.   The Prince will join the team in Norway for training for the long trek but will cut it short to report for military duty April 5th.  Prince Harry and Walking With The Wounded aim to raise over $3.2 million for disabled soldiers.

Prince Harry told GQ:  “This extraordinary expedition will raise awareness of the debt that this country owes to those it sends off to fight – only for them to return wounded and scarred, physically and emotionally. The debt extends beyond immediate medical care and short-term rehabilitation. These men and women have given so much. We must recognise their sacrifice, be thankful, so far as we can ever repay them for it.”

Though experts in GQ say Harry’s chance of reaching the North Pole is between 40-60 percent, we commend him for his efforts.


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