Gap Spring/Summer 2011 Collection
Gap’s creative director Patrick Robinson has a vision, one that involves bringing the classic American brand into a new age that is more contemporary and less “heritage brand.” We all know what happened when Gap tried to redesign its logo from the classic white letters encased in a blue box to black letters and a tiny blue box gradient. Seems that Americans don’t like change, even though they voted for Obama’s change. How hypocritical we can be sometimes.
Robinson was in London last Wednesday to show the Gap global collection, which he hit out of the ballpark in terms of aesthetic. It was a Gap that was all grown up, sophisticated and sexy.
“My biggest hurdle has been to change the mind-set of the Gap customer in the U.S. who grew up with the brand and automatically thinks of basics,” Robinson explained. “What I want to offer are interesting essentials — fashion, excitement, newness.”
“Heritage doesn’t turn me on — it’s about America today. Let’s face it, a 28-year-old wants more fashion in his or her wardrobe,” he said. So true Mr. Robinson. Younger Americans love change and more of it. We just hope you can sprinkle in new looks but keep the denim collection we’ve all grown to love in tact.