Foot Notes | Yves Saint Laurent Palais Pumps

In fashion, marching to the beat of your own drum is deemed avant garde and ground breaking. This Fall, we would rather march to the beat of trendsetters drums with our right foot forward in Yves Saint Laurent Palais pumps. These beauties received a lot of face time in September issues of fashion magazines worldwide and we aren’t in the least bit surprised. The rounded toe platform pumps are comfortable to wear and surprisingly don’t look as heavy and bulky up close.
There is a Palais pump to fit different personalities. For the ostentatious gals out there, the Palais Mohawk is rocker chic and quirky. The updown gal’s options are limitless with a simple pump sans Mohawk and come in a myriad of colors. We are craving the hunter green, blue and gris YSL Palais pumps. What are your favorites? What would you wear these with? We’re thinking a fabulous red frock or relaxed fit pant with a silk blouse to take the edge off.