David Beckham to design menswear collection

With the success of Victoria Beckham’s clothing line, it was only a matter of time until Posh’s other half jumped into fashion design.  Soccer stud David Beckham might not have played a lick in the 2010 World Cup but he’s playing up his popularity and reputation for his good fashion sense with a menswear line. 
“Victoria has been trying to persuade him to do it for a while and he’s finally succumbed. She has reassured him that he has an eye for fashion,” squeals a spy. “David is hoping to produce an entire range of men’s couture clothing of fitted suits, smart day wear and an evening range, and Victoria thinks it will go down a storm. Meanwhile, she is working on her fifth season and is going from strength to strength.”
Mrs. Beckham is right in pushing David into putting his name of a label. Everything he touches turns to sold, not to mention how sexy he makes any ad he’s in. Do I need to remind you of the Armani underwear ads? 

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