Heels with a Heart: TOMS Shoes introduces The Wedge

Blake Mycosie, founder of TOMS Shoes, started a philanthropic revolution with a simple concept: for every shoe you buy, TOMS Shoes donates a pair to a child in a developing country who desperately needs shoes. Hipsters, preppies, celebs and politicians openly adopted TOMS and made it a household name. From college students to lobbyists to musicians and socialites and everyone in between, wearing TOMS Shoes is a silent way of letting those around you know that you support a worthy cause. For me, I turned to the flashy TOMS by purchasing the gold sequin ones and a navy canvas pair that I later blinged out by dipping it in glue and dusting gold glitter on it.
For the past few seasons, TOMS Shoes has introduced new styles to its collection that give those looking for a little flare some options. The philanthropic shoe label is launching a new shoe, the TOMS Wedge, that will give women a reason to celebrate. The wedge will be available in 6 different styles including sassy solids and preppy stripes and retail for just $69. Ladies can now rock heels with heart in the board room on casual Fridays, at lunch with friends, or spending a night on the town on hot Summer nights. The TOMS Wedge will be available at www.TOMS.com and retail locations nationwide.