Bravo Announces Real Housewives of DC

A round of applause goes out to the genius at Bravo TV who thought of putting cameras in the households of affluent housewives for all Americans to get an insider view of high society. I have never really been a fan of the Real Housewives of Orange County because I jumped on the Housewives series bandwagon a bit late.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta was my guilty pleasure. There was never a dull moment when African American women with disposable incomes run amuck in Atlanta boasting about their ball player husbands and how “classy” they were. I picked up Real Housewives of New York City in its second season and immediately fell in love. I related to Bethenny Frankel, the youngest on the show, who was neither a housewive nor a super wealthy woman. She was busting her but making her own money in New York City, which is what most people end up doing anyway. In the past few months, I’ve also gotten onto the New Jersey train with the dark and twisted Italian families that run Jersey. It was only a matter of time before Washington, DC got its own Real Housewives show.

Word of the new DC housewives casting by Bravo was a thinly veiled secret. Those that run in that circle or are in the know knew who eventually was picked. As a member of the Washington press corps, I knew of the women that would be on the show. I even went to the taping of one of the first episodes at Ted Gibson Salon in Chevy Chase. I, along with every media professional has been instructed by Bravo and publicist to use the word “RUMORED” before Real Housewives of DC cast member in articles and blog posts.  The DC housewives are: Mary Amons, Lynda Erkiletian, Michaele Salahi, Stacie Scott Turner and Catherine Ommanney.

The Real Housewives of DC airs on Thursday, August 5 at 9:00pm and I am sure there will be some sort of exclusive viewing party for it. Watch what happens….

Read my commentary on the ladies here: Real Housewives of DC Revealved

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