Get Nailed: Essie unveils Summer 2010 nail lacquer collection

Essie nail polish is one of my favorite brands I often get at during a manicure at PR at Partners. Aside from Chanel, which I covet often, Essie is in my top three favorite polish brands. The nail lacquer lasts a long time and is pretty affordable. I was elated when I saw the summer collection via Intern Tory, who absolutely went gaga over the colors. The Knockout Pout and Demur Vixen (above) are on my must have colors for the summer. Knock Pout, the pink color, will look fabulous on finger nails and the Demur Vixen, which looks a bit like the Chanel Particuliere, is my color of choice for the perfect pedicure. The Essie Summer collection, an colorful collection of six all new nail lacquers, will be available on June 1, 2010.