Interview magazine releases iPad issue ahead of print edition

Interview magazine becomes first Conde Nast magazine to create a digital edition of its print magazine for the iPad.  In February,  Conde Nast announced that five of its magazines (Wired, GQ, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Glamour) would create digital versions for the iPad; these will be available on iTunes for $.99.  Unfortunately, Vogue is usually the last to adopt the new technologies, #FAIL Anna. Interview launched the iPad issue on April 3 to coincide with the release of the iPad. The iPad issue has 330 screens of images and text plus 20 minutes of video and audio content.  The lucky ducks who snagged an iPad can read Interview’s April issue before the print version hits newstands on April 12. That’s more than a week to read the magazine digitally before others get their print version.

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