Do or a Don’t: Wearing a Jumpsuit to the Opera

Fashion is always changing. With every decade comes a change in the rules of dress. For instance, wearing white after after Labor Day rule was tossed out years ago. The rule no longer applies to the new generation of risk takers and fashion forward thinkers. There was a paradigm shift last week at the Metropolitan Opera Gala Premiere of “Armida.” A few actresses, including Chloe Sevigny, Maggy Gyllenhaal and Gennifer Goodwin, skipped the traditional evening gowns for dressy jumpsuit. I am not sure what to think of this because it has been ingrained in my mind that a gown is a must at the opera.
All three women look stunning in Yves Saint Laurent jumpsuits. Ginnifer Goodwin and Chloe Sevigny pulled off the jumpsuit look best because they stuck to black. From the side, Chloe’s outfit looked as if she were in a gown. Completing her look with black gloves, clutch, hair pulled back and rouged lips, she gets my vote for the best in show with Ginnifer coming in a close second. What do you think of the jumpsuit as evening wear? Is it a do or a don’t?