Spotted: The Abominable Snowman does exist…at Chanel

Dear Karl Lagerfeld,

The next time you decide to bring out the abominable snowman, please make sure it’s not under the Chanel label.  You are one of my favorite designers and I do dream of one day owning my very own Chanel tweed suit but why oh why must you hurt my eyes with this monstrosity for Fall 2010?  I feel like to criticize the House of Chanel is like cursing out God but seriously you should have toned down the fur, faux or not. There is not need for a up-to-the-crotch fur thigh high boots, especially when having hair down there is a total no-no.

Aside from the laugh out loud costumes you sent down the Paris runway, I do appreciate the ice jewelry and fur fringed separates but the Coco in the winter scene was not appreciated by me or my friends. Eaaaasy with the haute couture pieces for RTW because no one is “ready to wear” an abominable snowman outfit.

As always, I love you a ton and will always love Chanel.


Glamour Girl

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