Ralph Fiennes and I shared a moment on Saturday

Academy Award nominated actor Ralph Fiennes was in town on Saturday night for a discussion on the Power of Film and the Holocaust at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The talk, which was moderated by Bob Woodward drew a powerful crowd of Holocaust survivors, prominent business leaders and leaders in the Jewish community.

From Yays & Nays column of the Washington Examiner:

“No one knows exactly what it is that a whole nation can be led by a voice, a set of ideas, that can be geared into embracing a set of beliefs that they believe it is right to destroy and eradicate another people,” Fiennes said of the Holocaust [Nikki Schwab, Examiner]

Aside from playing Nazi SS officer Amon Goeth in the Academy Award winning film Schindler’s List, Fiennes has also played a Holocaust victim in Sunshine. The breath and depth of Fiennes’ work is incredible, with countless awards and nominees that put him up there with some of the film and stage greats.

We got the chance to interact with the dashing British actor, who I’ve loved since the English Patient, the Prince of Egypt (he was the voice of Ramses II and even sang his own part) and Maid in Manhattan. I told my editor at The Scene Bisnow that I want to marry Ralph Fiennes so she let me go to the event. Well I have to say that Ralph and I could have definitely connected had we had more time to interact.

This sounds so cheesy but I won’t let anyone spoil my moment. So it was me, Nikki Schwab of the Washington Examiner, my friend Jeremy and Washington Life publisher John Arundel standing right next to Mr. Fiennes. As he’s being whisked away, John sneaks in a handshake and Nikki asks a quick question. I on the other hand did not get a chance to say hello. I was flanked on either side by Nikki and Jon with Ralph and I facing each other. He looks at me…I look at him….he smiles….and waves that super debonair “I have to know who you are but I can’t because I am being whisked away by this woman” wave. AND I DIE!!!

Read more about Ralph Fiennes at the Holocaust Memorial Museum here:

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