Back to Basics: Ada Polla of Alchimie Forever talks Skincare starting in mid-20s

On my list of new year’s resolutions is getting back to the basics of everything, fashion, nutrition, skin care, relationships and everything in between. My motto for next year is “Back again in 2010,” which means I’m bringing my A game bigger and better than I’ve ever had to. Being beautiful starts with skincare so I went to one of the ultimate sources for advanced skin care solutions, Swiss skincare line Alchimie Forever, to get the 411 on the secrets to maintaining the youthful and supple skin through my mid-20s to early 30s. Alchimie Forever also has skincare products for men and children.

Interview Part I

I went to the headquarters of Alchimie Forever in Georgetown to tour the office and check out their products. Ada Polla, the president of Alchimie Forever, took the time to talk through the products, proper techniques for applying eye serums and moisturizers and solutions to some of the most common skin care problems we all face.

Interview Part II

Alchimie Forever is the product of the Forever Laser Institut in Switzerland by doctors Luigi and Barbara Polla, who have produced “products blend science and nature, sensorial pleasure and anti-aging benefits, visual chic and softness. Alchimie Forever utilizes nature’s most powerful extracts to bring you daily skin care products that will preserve your skin’s youthfulness.”

As a woman in my mid-20s my skin care needs are a lot different from a teenager or someone in their late 40s. What I took away from my meeting with Ada was that skin care can be tailored to fit my needs. Since our meeting, I’ve been using the Alchimie Forever Antioxidant Relief for Hands and Feet, a soothing moisturizer with shea butter, jojoba, willow and watercress. It’s been keeping my ashy feet and legs very well moisturized, especially since I wear opaque tights, which strip moisture away from my skin, almost all winter long. I love the product so much that dad and little brothers are getting them as stocking stuffers.

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