Washingtonian Magazine wants to give you a makeover

The fashion calendar year does not begin in January but in September. With the arrival of fashion week, everyone should be revamping their style and updating their look and wardrobe. The bleached out summer hair will not fly in the fall and winter when darker tones and richer hues are the norm. There are some of us who know exactly how to revamp our look without much effort but for some style is a whole nother animal.

Enter Washingtonian Magazine’s style team, who wants to give a few lucky readers to makeover. Yup! If you want professional help updating your look without it costing you a cent, then apply for the Washingtonian magazine makeover challenge. The lucky readers will get new clothes, hair cut and make up and learn a thing or two about how to maintain your look.

Tired of your look and looking for a change? You’re in luck—The Washingtonian is seeking men and women from the Washington area who would like a hair, makeup, or wardrobe overhaul for a feature in our December issue. Subjects should be willing to make major changes in their appearance, including hair color and length, and they must be comfortable being photographed for the article.

Interested? To apply, send an e-mail to makeovers@washingtonian.com explaining why you would like a makeover and what makes you a great candidate. Please include your name, place of residence, contact information, and a recent snapshot. The application deadline is Friday, September 25. [Washingtonian]

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