Sex and the City 2 Looking for Extras in New York

My friend forwarded me this flyer yesterday and felt the need to share it with all my Sex and the City loving gals. If you haven’t heard already, the stars are getting ready to shoot the sequel to the movie and they want YOU to play a part.

There is a casting call on Tuesday, August 4 for extras. Here’s the info:

Seeking SAG and NON SAG to play:
Fashion Models, Celebrity types, Upscale socialites,
Urban Club goers, Gays and Lesbians,
International types (Middle Eastern, Arabic, Asian, European, British), Professional Soccer Players

Open Call:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street
between 6th & 7th Avenues

SAG: 10am – 12:30pm
NON-SAG: 1:30pm -4:00pm

Email a recent picture and contact info to:
if you cannot attend the open call


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