Meet Up for Renewal Author Cathy Alter tomorrow
Remember summers in high school? Carefree! fun! and best of all a chance to catch up on reading some fun novels on the beach during a relaxing vacay with the ‘rentals.
Adulthood takes away most of our free time with job responsibilities. The only escape we get nowadays is the occasional three day weekend or time off work. I’ve found myself reading a lot more now during my commutes to work or when I have a little bit of free time between dinner and bedtime.
I recently received a book by Washington-based writer Cathy Alter about starting your life over with the help of magazines. I can’t give anything away but you have to read it. I am halfway through the book and can’t help but laugh and cry at some of the scenarios she gets into. Washingtonians will appreciate the book even more since it’s set here.
You can grab a copy of the book this Thursday, July 30 at Ginger Boutique in Bethesda during her book signing party. Ginger will be hosting an exclusive Suzanne Somersall jewelry fall trunkshow that night as well. Grab a few friends and head over to the boutique from 6-8pm for some champagne, nibbles and jewelry. A purchase of $100 or more gets you a signed copy of the book and you get to meet Cathy.