Kim Kardashian flirts with Vampire look
I picked up a copy of the book Twilight last week after a long resistance to jumping on the bandwagon just because I knew I would probably be addicted to the book. Well, after finishing the book in less than a week and watching the movie, I am officially a Twilight addict. I profess my love for Robert Pattinson (hey if you happen to read this, email me so that I can take you on a date :-)). In any case, I keep up with the Kardashian’s via Kim’s blog and noticed she’d also jumped on the Twilight bandwagon.Kim did a photo shoot inspired by Prada’s fall 09 collection and Twilight with photog Troy Jensen last week and posted a picture on her blog. Despite Kim’s disappearing eyebrows, I absolutely love the look. The curls is very becoming of her and she looks like a sexy vampire in the dark lipstick.
“Since vampires are all the rage right now, Troy Jensen and I thought it would be cool to try out a more gothic, almost sinister look! This look was inspired by Prada’s fall 2009 runway show and it is so unlike anything I’ve ever done! And no, I didn’t actually get rid of my eyebrows, haha. Troy used an eyebrow concealing wax to hide them! Pretty creepy, right? I call this my Twilight look! What do you think?”