Chasing Louis Vuitton

I am on a global quest for the Louis Vuitton Limelight Clutch from the Fall Winter 2007-2009 collection. Since it’s debut, the clutch has made its rounds on the red carpet with celebs like Hilary Duff and Scarlet Johanson. A girlfriend of mine has been in love with the clutch and even gifted her niece with one. Being the fashionista that she is, she bought one for herself as well but had to return it when her dear hubby scolded her for being such a shopaholic. BAD MISTAKE! The Louis Vuitton Limelight is now sold out, completely and we’re in search of one for her.

This post is purely a plea to anyone who can provide us good leads. The call to LV resulted in finding another Limelight clutch from the Spring/Summer 09 collection, which has tassels (not as cute as the original) and is from the show, meaning it’s over $3,000. She really really wants this clutch and would be so appreciative if any of you readers could provide a lead to find a brand new one. I have a special gift for the reader who ends our Louis Vuitton Limelight Clutch quest.


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