Durkl Sunglasses

My favorite restaurant gents, Nate, Nic and Jonathan invited me to the Bon Appetite book signing party at Sweetgreen on Friday night. Bon Appetite Editor-in-chief Barbara Fairchild was signing copies of her book.

Aside from the book signing the real headliner for me (since I cover fashion) were sunglasses that Nate had been raving about for the past couple of days. The Durkl sunglasses, $6, the name being a play on Urkl, Steve Urkl, gave me the giggles but became an instant hit at the party.

What are Durkl sunglasses? It’s like a slap bracelet…sort of…that unfolds and fits in place…with no handles…and looks like the Kanye West sunglasses with horizontal lines on them…and fits everyone…and I just love them…so yea!

After the Sweetgreen event, I took the Durkls for a spin at my friend Nadine’s Beer Pong tournament at Eighteenth and Red in Adams Morgan to raise money for her Woman of the Year candidacy for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Check out some of the DC United guys rocking the glasses. One size fits most.

McKenzie, Me and Christina at Sweetgreen

Me with DC United player Brandon Barklage.
Mathew Hebert, DC United player Chris Pontius and McKaela
DC United player Bryan Namoff

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