LOVE MOSCHINO Vitello Cley Crab Sandals

Super excited about warm weather, a cold beer and crabs on the waterfront? Yea me too. So it’s no wonder my excitement when I saw the LOVE MOSCHINO Vitello Cley Crab Sandals at Sassanova last night.

Sail away in style with a whimsical red crab anchored by white nautical ropes and a black patent back. These sandals are perfect for summer’s airy and laid back style. Wear them with a maxi dress, a navy twill skirt and a flowy top, white shorts and a button down shirt.

The LOVE MOSCHINO Vitello Cley Crab Sandals are available in-store at Sassanova or online at

I tried these on and just about died seeing how cute the looked on my feet. The sandals would look even better with fire engine red painted toe nails. Hello summer, goodbye winter.

The sandals on display at Sassanova.

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