Lee Woodruff visits Clinique at Macy’s

I had the pleasure of meeting bestselling author Lee Woodruff yesterday afternoon on her visit to the Clinique counter at the Macy’s in Pentagon City. Lee, the wife of ABC News reporter Bob Woodruff, was promoting her new book, Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in Progress, a collection of essays about life, womanhood, being a mother and learning to embrace life and it’s surprises. Lee has partnered with cosmetics giant Clinique to celebrate the release of her book and to promote the wonderful work she and her husband have been doing to help veterans serving in the war.

Lee & Bob started the Bob Woodruff Foundation to raise money to help thirty six organizations around the country that aid in the healing of the physical and psychological wounds of war. As many of you remember, Bob was critically wounded with a brain injury in 2006 when his convoy was hit with a roadside bomb in Iraq. He became the very first American journalist to be wounded in the war, a title he would gladly rescind but something that has shaped his life in so many ways.

The road to recovery was tough psychologically and physically for not just Bob but for Lee and their children. We were able to see some of their struggles through their appearances on Good Morning America and other ABC News shows but what we never saw was their will to give up. The couple recognize that over 1.5 million troops who’ve served or a currently serving have been wounded, both physically and psychologically by the war and have dedicated their work, through their foundation, to helping those who preserve our freedoms at home.

Clinique hopped on board to help the Woodruff’s in their mission by making a charitable donation to the foundation and in the process, is giving women more confidence through better skin care. I interviewed Lee about her book and the Bob Woodruff Foundation during her visit to Clinique yesterday. Here is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vZn0i0tnpk. As part of their fundraising efforts, Lee and Bob have started a campaign to raise $1.65 million dollars for the 1.65 million service members returning back from duty by asking everyone to Tweet to ReMind (www.tweettoremind.org). You can help out by donating just $1 to give help to those who help us in so many ways.

I urge all of you to log on to www.tweettoremind.org to find out more information about fundraising campaign.

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