Kanye West for Louis Vuitton ads unveiled

Kanye West has been sporting his fresh kicks since January along with his lady friend Amber Rose. Ever since Kanye made it known that he wanted to venture into high fashion by designing his own line, tongues have been wagging as to when that will be. The rapper announced that he would be collaborating with Marc Jacobs to design sneakers for Louis Vuitton. I’m happy to report that the new kicks are out…well sort of.

The advertising campaigns for the Kanye West for Louis Vuitton sneaker were unveiled and to my surprise, Amber Rose is front and center in one of the ads, bearing it all for her beau. Kanye has a creative eye and whatever he touches turns to sold so I know these sneakers will fly off the shelves once they hit stores and online in June. Can’t wait that long? Well check out some of the pics and put the date on your calendar.

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