My Interview in Washingtonian Magazine’s Capital Comment Blog
I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting me by reading the Glamazon Diaries and sending in story ideas. It is truly a great feeling when I get emails from you all about how much you love my blog. There are lots of changes and great news for the Glamazon Diaries, which I will be revealing as they happen.
I updated my blog to a new format this year and it’s received a lot of positive feedback from you, my readers. I also was fortunate to be featured by Washingtonian magazine‘s Capital Comment blog. For once, the table was turned and I was in the hot seat, answering questions about my life, blog, passions and more. The interview is up on Washingtonian’s website right now and I encourage you all to check it out and leave a comment. Thank you so much for supporting me and please keep the comments and suggestions coming. Story
Photo by Chris Leaman