District Sample Sale Recap with Mary & Liberty
I went to the District Sample Sale last night to join hundreds of Washingtonians looking for good bargains from area boutiques. With spring lurking right around the corner, this was the perfect time for all the boutiques to get rid of late fall and winter merchandise to make room for spring trends. I caught up with some of my favorite gals who keep me looking chic. Krista Johnson, Judy Mayka and Thalia Attinger were there clearing their merchandise and spreading the word about the store changing its name. If you were around last spring, the girls held a contest to find the a new name for their store, We One You Two. After sifting through tons of suggestions, mine included, they decided to pick the name “Julep” for the store. Urban Chic, Sherman Pickey, Sephora, Sassanova and Proper Topper were among the boutiques that participated. I even scored a gorgeous Walter dress for $25 at Ginger.
I stayed to the bitter end to talk to some of the boutique owners and event organizers. Check out this video interview of Mary Amons and Liberty Jones, founders of the District Sample Sale, as they talk about trends, the events and dish about their fab finds.