Harpers Bazaar launches international edition in India
What does India have in common with the following countries UK, Australia, Korea, Russia, and the UAE? It now joins some 29 countries as one of the countries with its own edition of Harpars Bazaar.
The first edition, which hits the newsstands on February 27, features Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor as the cover girl. Make sure to pick one copy up because it’s sure to be a collectors edition with glitzy Swarovski crystals adorning the cover.
Harpers Bazaar India will be headed by Sujata Assomull.
“I feel the time is perfect to introduce Harper’s Bazaar to India. Renowned for its bold design, provocative photography and cutting-edge imagery, Bazaar will be the must-have fashion magazine for every sophisticated, elegant woman,” says Assomull.
The magazine will be based in New Delhi and is focused on bringing India’s fashion scene and it’s influences in the industry into the spotlight.