Be My Valentine Giveaway: Tucker Blair Turtle Needlepoint Belt

To show my readers my sincerest appreciation and love, I will be giving away an item a day from now until February 13. If you don’t have a Valentine, I will gladly be yours. So here are the rules:

1. Read the post with the giveaway.
2. Leave a comment below the item up for grabs telling me why you like that item.
3. Winner will be chosen among those that leave comments.
4. I will announce the winner the next day.

Okay so first up for grabs is this awesome red Turtle needle point belt from Tucker Blair. Tucker Blair belts hit the market last year and have been giving its competition a run for their money. I have two of these belts and a headband and I love them. I get compliments on them all the time. This belt can be worn by both guys and girls so I encourage everyone to enter. The Tucker Blair fan base is quickly growing and what better way to join the classically casual crew than by winning one of the belts. If you don’t win, you can still get your hands on one of these belts or headbands or even a key chain at

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