Pause for a Cause: So Other’s Might Eat Junior Gala
I used to volunteer at So Other’s Might Eat (SOME) once a month with my church youth group once a month while in high school. My youth group leader used to round up fifteen kids she could get to wake up at 5am and load us on a bus for a trip to Washington, DC to serve at the soup kitchen. What started as my wanting volunteer work experience so that I could get a good reference for college turned into something more. I found it rewarding to help those in need – homeless men, women and children. Serving a hot meal to those who needed it most gave me a sense of pride and made me so thankful to have been blessed to have it all – a family who loved me, food on the table and even disposable income to spend on clothes, movies, ski trips and more.
I stopped volunteering at SOME when I went away to college but kept volunteering for various charity organizations. I decided to take a pause for the SOME cause because it’s what got me interested in volunteer work and what keeps me looking for organizations that empowers the homeless to get back on the right track to getting jobs, ending the cycles of recidivism and give their families a brighter future.
On Friday, February 13, 2009, the young professionals group of SOME is hosting the So Other’s Might Eat Junior Gala at the Corcoran Gallery of Art to raise money for the renovations of the Thea Bowman House, SOME’s transitional housing program for formerly homeless and poor families with children. Have a heart and support the young professionals dedicated to changing the socio-economic status of one of the most underserved populations in Washington.
Sick Feed and Judo Chop, two of the best cover bands in Washington, will be belting out monster ballads, ’80s pop and rock mixes as well as some new favorites. Drinks will be flowing, hips will be shaking and hearts will flutter for the well dressed ladies and gents in the room but at the end of the night, attendees would have helped a worthy cause. Tickets are $85 but are limited so get your tickets now and kick-off your Valentine’s weekend in style.