Don’t be plain, Bebaroque!
Winter is still in full force in Washington and most of us are hiding our bodies under layers of clothes. I am a dress girl and will put on a pretty frock no matter how cold it is outside. My secrets to staying warm in the blistering cold and snow are having a long coat and tights. I spend more money on tights than most and don’t mind confessing that. Black is plain and boring but that doesn’t stop me from having about 15 pairs of black tights, different textures of course, in my drawer. I usually go to J.Crew for their “buy four and save 20%” tights sale.
I am trying to get out of the plain tights/dress conservative mentality by experimenting with textured and colored tights. On my recent trip to CUSP, I splurged on four pairs of tights. I even placed an order for six pairs of Wolford tights (my absolute favorite brand). I got a tip from a friend living in London about some tights she’s been lusting after lately. The name of the brand is Bebaroque, a hosiery company founded in 2007 by two Scottish accessories designers. Their line of hand printed and embroidered leg wear is beautiful, delicate and intimately alluring. The duo previewed their fall collection at London fashion week and have been in numerous British publications, including
Bebaroque has the special something for the fashionista looking to set herself about from the sea of black tights. Some of the hand painted designs are a bit busy but that does not have to stop you from wearing it. Pairing a plain colored dress with one of Bebaroque’s tights will instantly transform the ensemble into something truly special. You don’t have to live in the UK to order them either – they ship to the United States. I just placed and order for one and am hoping to be the first in Washington to have them.