The queens take over Dupont Circle

On a cold and windy Tuesday night in our nation’s capitol, thousands of people have lined the streets to catch a glimpse at one of the most talked about races in the city. No, not the Marine Corps marathon. It’s the Drag Queen High Heel race in Dupont Circle that has brought this crowd into the bitingly windy streets. This year’s Drag Queen High Heel Race, like the previous ones, was a festive one. Hundreds of men dressed in drag, some scantily clad in nothing but a bikini or a skimpy dress and mile high heels are getting ready to prove to the women in this city that boys can have fun in heels too.

Many queens this year made sure to flex their political muscle in election regalia. Some wore DC Councilwoman Carol Schwartz outfits, others in Palin costumes. Then there were those advocating DC Voting rights and a set of queens lined up in a row to spell the word OBAMA on their bums. Even elected officials joined in the fun. District of Columbia mayor Adrian Fentry and Council member Jack Evans made an apearance, took pictures with the crowds and even took the time to chat a bit with the Glamazon Diaries. Mayor Fenty, one of my absolute favorites, was handsomely dressed in a suit, black wool trench coat and his signature newspaper boy cap. When asked what he would dress up as had he been in the Drag Queen High Heel Race, he smiled broadly and said, “I would definitely wear a nice black suit, a black coat and a hat….Oh! and an Obama sticker.”

A special thank you goes out to WTOP’s Markette Smith for passing along such great video footage of the race and another goes out to Mel Magilton for the fun photos of the queens in all their glory.



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