The Evolution of Sarah Palin

Whether you love her or hate her, no one can deny that vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is one fabulous looking chica. The Alaska governor and Republican VP nom. has been a sensation from day one in her fashion choices. Sure she’s spent over $150,000 on her new digs and a lot of people are up in arms over “wasting” money that can be used for advertising or grassroots efforts for the campaign. Palin and her campaign team know that appearance is everything and this Alaska mama had to change her image to fit in with the Republican agenda. I say $150,000 is money well spent at Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

I am not sure she has a stylist, she must because pictures of her life in Alaska paint a really fashionably challenged Palin, but she is making all the right moves with her wardrobe. Her look is fresh and sophisticated. Her color choices are bold yet manage to keep her image of a mother and a fighter in the public eye. She seems to be a big fan on the cropped Jackie O style jackets, which really work for her. It’s a career look that many women strive for yet never achieve. Take a couple of cues from Palin’s post convention wardrobe to get some work appropriate attire ideas.


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